One of the basic beliefs of Islam is the belief of the hereafter:
Meaning: The word "hereafter" means something that happens later. In contrast, the word "world" means something near. The term meaning of the belief in the hereafter is that a person does not perish forever after death, but his soul remains and a time will come. When Allah Ta'ala transfers his soul to his body and revives him again, then man will be given the real reward for his good and bad deeds. Good people will be granted a place that will be full of the blessings of Allah. Its name is Paradise and the bad people will live in a most painful place called Hell.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:
Surah Al-Iniftaar verse 13,14:
Verily righteous people (will be) in Paradise, and verily sinners in Hell.
The summary of the teachings of the Holy Quran regarding the Hereafter is as follows:
(1). Man's worldly life is a precursor to his life hereafter. The existence of this world is impermanent and the existence of the great beyond is extremely durable.The full results of all human actions are not established in this temporary life. Rather, the true results of the actions that are sown in this temporary life will appear in the next life.
(2) Just as every thing in the world has its own age, as soon as the age of that thing ends, that thing ceases to exist. Similarly, the entire world system also has an age, as soon as it ends, this system will end and another system will take its place.
(3) When this system of the world will be disrupted and another system will be established, then man will get a new physical life. On this day, a great judgment will be held in which all the actions of man will be taken into account. Good people will be rewarded for their good deeds and bad people will be punished for their bad deeds.
The Doubts of the Deniers of the Hereafter and their Quranic Answer: The doubts of the deniers have been answered in a very good way while describing the belief in the Hereafter in the Holy Qur'an . The polytheists of Makkah were deniers of the belief of the Hereafter. Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Qur'an about the doubts of the disbelievers of the Hereafter:
Surah Al-Sajda verse 10:
And they say, when we perish in the earth, will we be born again?
Surah Yaseen verse 78:
Who will revive the bones when they have decayed?
Allah Ta'ala removed the doubts of these disbelievers and said. You didn't exist before. Allah created you, the One who is able to bring you into existence in the first place is also able to give you life again after your death.
Surah Yeseen verse 79:
Say (to him) He will revive them. Who created them for the first time. And He knows every act of creation.
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 28:
You were lifeless, He gave you life, then He will kill you. Then she will give life. Then you have to turn back to him.
The right thinking of man requires him to believe in the belief of the hereafter. Everyone recognizes that good deeds are well rewarded and great deeds are badly rewarded. But are the results of all human actions revealed in this worldly life? It does not happen, but sometimes a person who has spent his whole life in sins escapes punishment in this world. In the same way, some extremely good people who continued to do good deeds throughout their lives did not get full reward for their good deeds here, but some of them were martyred after being subjected to extreme tortures. Now this is the thing to think about. Will the criminals never be punished for their crimes? Will the righteous be deprived of a good reward? Will Allah's system of justice remain silent about them forever? Was man created in vain and his deeds have no value?
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
Surah Al-Mu'minun verse 115:
Do you understand that we have created you useless and you will never turn back to us.
When the intellect thinks about this aspect, it is forced to admit that the Hereafter is true, in which all people will be rewarded and punished for their actions. The good people will get a good reward for their deeds and the criminals will get a severe punishment, except for those whom Allah Almighty forgives.
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