Pillars of Islam :
Arkan is the plural of Rakan, which means "satun". A Rakan refers to something on which a building is supported. Here, the pillars of Islam refer to the basic principles and practices of religion on which the entire edifice of Islam is based. The Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:
The edifice of Islam is raised on five pillars.
(1) The testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Hazrat Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the servant of Allah and His (last) Messenger.
(2) To establish prayer.
(3) Giving Zakat.
(4) Fasting in Ramadan.
(5) Hajj.
Among the Rakan of religion, the most important word is Shahadat, whose words translation are:
There is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Allah is One. He has no partner and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is His servant and His last Messenger.
Belief in believing in Allah as one is fundamental in Islam, without which no human being can be a Muslim. Believing means that a person's belief in something is so firm that there is no room for doubt in it.
(2) Prayer:
Islam is a finished and extensive arrangement of life.He does not limit himself to giving his followers only a few beliefs, rather he prescribes a system of worship to mold their entire life into the mold of these beliefs. It includes Namaz, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj. Regarding the first and most important part of prayer, Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:
Surah Al-Rum verse 31:
Establish prayer and do not be among the polytheists.
Many hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) contain emphasis on prayer. One of them is this.
The main foundation of religion is to surrender before God and the Messenger and the pillar of this building is prayer.
The word As-Salaata has been used in the Qur'an for prayer, which literally means prayer. But in the Shariah term, prayer is the name of worshiping in a special way, which was taught to us by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he said about it:
Prayer is the pillar of religion.
Zakat has a fundamental importance in the economic system given by Allah. This is inferred from the fact that in the Qur'an many places have been ordered to pay Zakat along with prayer. If prayer is physical worship, Zakat is financial worship. The meaning of zakat is to purify. A person who pays zakat not only purifies his wealth according to God's order, but also purifies his heart from the consciousness of wealth. And compared to wealth, he gives the love of Allah a place in his heart and sacrifices his wealth on His command.
Fasting is also a fundamental part of Islam. For this, the word "Sumu" has been used in the Qur'an and Hadith, which means to stop oneself. Fasting in Shari'ah refers to worshiping Allah and abstaining from food and drink for the sake of Allah's pleasure from dawn till sunset. Which is permissible at times other than fasting. According to the statement of the Holy Qur'an, fasting has been obligatory even on the first nations.
Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an:
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183
O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may be pious.
The importance of Hajj among the members of Islam is well understood from this verse of the Holy Quran.
Surah Al-Imran verse 97:
And it is Allah's right for people to perform Hajj to this house. Whoever has the power to reach it and whoever refuses, then Allah is free from the people of this world.
The purpose and goal of Hajj is not only visiting a few special places, but behind it there is a brilliant history of sacrifice, love and sincerity. There is an unparalleled story of the sincerity and zeal of great people like Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismail and Hazrat Hajra.
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