Heavenly Books:
To be a Muslim, it is necessary to believe in all the Messengers. The meaning of believing in the messengers is to believe them as the true messengers of Allah and to accept their teachings as true. The books revealed to the Prophets are a collection of divine teachings. Therefore, in order to believe in the messengers, it is necessary to believe in the books revealed to them.
Allah Almighty says about the believers.
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 4:
And those who believe in what was revealed to you and in what was revealed before you.
There are many books of total heaven out of which four are very famous:
(1)The Torah that was revealed to Hazrat Musa.
(2)The psalms that were revealed to Hazrat Dawood.
(3)The Gospel that was revealed to Hazrat Jesus.
(4) The Holy Qur'an which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Apart from them, there were also the scriptures of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Adam and other prophets. All these books had the basics of religion in common. Such as the monotheism of Allah, His perfect attributes, worship of Allah, faith in the Prophethood, faith in the Last Day, and rewards and punishments for deeds.But since the requirements of time are different in every era, the detailed laws of Sharia were different in these books. The later books abrogated the detailed rules of the earlier books. Similarly, the Qur'an, which was revealed after all the books, abrogated all the earlier laws. And now it is necessary to follow only the laws mentioned in the Qur'an. Believing in the first books and not the laws mentioned in the first books now means that they were also true books and it was necessary to follow the laws described by them in their time. But now only Quranic instructions will be followed.
Last Heavenly Book:
The Quran is the last book of Allah. Which was revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and is the source of guidance for all humans until the Day of Judgment. Some of the important features of the Holy Quran are:
(1) Safeguarding of the Qur'an:
Since the Holy Qur'an is a source of guidance for the people of every age and nation until the Day of Judgment, Allah has made a special promise to protect it.
Allah has said in the Holy Qur'an:
Surah Al-Hijr verse 9:
We ourselves have revealed this advice and we ourselves are its guardians.
This is the reason that despite the passage of fourteen hundred years, every single word of the Holy Quran is preserved. It has been protected by Allah in such a way that it has always been protected from tampering, while other divine books have been heavily tampered with and many of them have been lost.People added many things from their side. Now these books are not available anywhere in their original form. While the Holy Qur'an in its purest form has existed till now and will always exist.
(2) Living language of Quran:
The language in which the Holy Quran was revealed is a living language. Even today, Arabic is the national language of more than twenty countries of the world and this language is one of the few major languages of the world. While the languages in which the first heavenly books were revealed are dead. Whom there are very few people who understand.
3. Universal Book:
From the study of the rest of the heavenly books, it can be inferred that they were only for the people of a particular country or a particular nation. But the Holy Qur'an is a message and guidance for the whole world of humanity. The Holy Qur'an gives a message of guidance to all human beings. It is a universal book, whose teachings are applicable in every era and every country.The teachings of this book are natural because people of all ages feel this way. As it was revealed for his age, because his teachings are equally beneficial and rational for people living in every nation and country and in every kind of environment.
(4) Comprehensive book:
Some of the first heavenly books contained only moral teachings. Some were just a collection of chants and prayers. Some were just a collection of jurisprudential issues. Some were just statements of beliefs and some were just collections of historical events. But the Holy Quran is such a comprehensive book in which every aspect has been highlighted. In this one, there is also a description of beliefs and actions, morals and spirituality are also taught, there are also historical events. It is such a comprehensive book that guides in every aspect of life.
(5) A book that supports wisdom and civilization: Some of the first heavenly books contain things that are against the truth, but in some books there are also very indecent and immoral things. Obviously, these things are fake, which someone has added it on his part, while the Holy Qur'an is free from all such things. There is nothing in it that is against reason and nothing that can be proven wrong by experience and argument. There is nothing immoral in the Quran. The Qur'an taught respect and respect for all the prophets and said that they were virtuous and pious people.
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