Angels :
The word Malaika (angles) is plural. Its singular is "Malik" which literally means messenger.Since these angels bring and implement the commandments of Allah Ta'ala, they are called angels. Angels are light beings and they obey Allah Almighty in every situation. Believing in angels is one of the basic beliefs of religion.There are many verses in the Holy Qur'an about the existence of angels and their activities. From which it is known that it is a creature subject to the commands of Allah and it is not possible to commit sin or wrongdoing from them. Angels were also present at the time of human creation and they had submitted to Allah Ta'ala under the spirit of obedience that there is no need to create another Caliph (man) on earth. We are ready to fulfill every order. Angels are created for obedience and worship.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty says:
Surah Al-A'raf, Verse No. 206:
The angels recite the glorification of Allah and prostrate before Him.
Allah Ta'ala has assigned various tasks to the angels, which they perform diligently. The four angels are very famous. Among them, Hazrat Gabriel has been working to bring divine revelation to the prophets. Hazrat Mikael is responsible for monitoring the rain and wind systems.It is the responsibility of Hazrat Azrael to seize the souls of living creatures. Hazrat Asrafel is responsible for blowing the trumpet by the command of Allah to bring about the resurrection and then resurrect the dead.
There are many types of angels according to their basic creation and duty.
In Quraan Majeed
Surah Fatir verse number 1:
There are messenger angels who have two, two, three, three and four, four arms, and Allah increases the structure of His creation as He wills.
Angels are light beings, but they can take different physical forms as needed. As it is known from the events of Hazrat Maryam , Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Lot in the Holy Quran that angels appeared in different human forms. Hazrat Jibraeel sometimes appeared in the assembly of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in human form.
In the same way, Allah has appointed angels with every human being who protect him from accidents and calamities. They pray for forgiveness and mercy for the believers and those who do good deeds, give comfort and glad tidings to the heart in difficult situations and guide them towards good deeds.
Allah says:
Surah Sajda verse 30:
Those who confess that Allah is our Sustainer and then remain steadfast in this statement, then the angels descend upon them (and say to them) Fear not and do not grieve, and be happy with the glad tidings of Paradise. Which has been promised to you.
In the same way, Allah Almighty has appointed angels to supervise the actions of every human being, who protect every small and big action. Which will be presented to everyone in the form of deeds on the Day of Judgment.
Allah says:
Surah Al-Infitaar verse 10, 11:
Indeed, guardians (angels) have been appointed over you. Very honorable and the writer of your deeds.
Apart from this, all the tasks of raising the Throne of Allah, presenting the deeds of humans, punishing criminals in Hell and serving the righteous in Paradise are entrusted to different angels.
Believing in angels increases the awareness of the greatness of Allah. One feels the grand system established by him and the infinite mercies. Due to faith in the presence of angels, a person feels that every small and big action is being monitored. In the same way, in the field of Jihad and the difficult tasks of religion, the consolations of the angels, because of their steadfastness and their prayers become a source of forgiveness for humans.
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