Human rights :
In social life, if all people continue to get their legitimate rights, they can use their abilities for the development of society with peace and satisfaction and thus the environment can become pleasant, which is called good society. On the contrary, the attitude of killing right each other creates anxiety and conflict. This disrupts the order of the society and destructive tendencies paralyze the constructive capacities. Allah Ta'ala has not deprived man of His instructions in this regard. By clearly defining the rights among human beings, he made paying them his pleasure and not paying them his unhappiness. Therefore, a true Muslim respects the rights of the Allah as well as the rights of human and fears Allah Almighty regarding the human rights.
Rights of Parents in Islam:
The most helpful persons in the society are the parents, who are not only the means of bringing a person into existence, but are also the means of raising and training him. Only parents in the world sacrifice their comfort for the comfort of their children. The kindness of the parents is the canopy of mercy for the children, which protects their children from the difficulties of the times and nurtures them. The existence of humanity is owed to parents after Allah Almighty.
Therefore, Allah Ta'ala has advised in several verses in the Holy Qur'an to fulfill the rights of the parents after him.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty says:
Surah Al-Israa verse 23, 24:
And your Lord has said that do not worship anyone but Him and do good to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in front of you, do not call them that or reprimand them and talk to them politely. And bow down to them out of awe and pray for them, saying, O Lord, have mercy on them as they have brought me up (with compassion) in my childhood.
The Holy Prophet (peacebe upon him) said that a person who disobeys his parents will also be deprived of the fragrance of Paradise. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has emphasized on the service of old parents, because they have spent their life skills and energies on their children. Therefore, it is the duty of the children to support their old parents and give evidence of kindness.
Once Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in the gathering of the Companions: "He was humiliated." He was humiliated. He was humiliated. The Companions inquired. "Who? O Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said. "He who found his parents or one of them in a state of old age, then did not serve his parents, and did not get Paradise.
Rights of Children in Islam:
If you look at the history before the arrival of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), you will know that at one time the heart of man had reached such a level that he used to kill his own children.
Islam awakened the sleeping spirit of mercy and compassion in the heart of man and put an end to the ritual of children killing before the world and the children got the blessing of love and compassion from their parents once again. Undoubtedly, if the parents fulfill the rights of their children according to the command of Allah Almighty and the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, give them proper education and training, highlight in them a sense of self-respect, keep them from wrong society and the company of misguided companions and If you avoid the use of drugs etc., you will fulfill your responsibility. After reaching the age of puberty, many physical changes take place in boys and girls, due to which some children become prone to anxiety. It is the responsibility of the parents to fully guide the children in the right direction in this age group.For parents who pay attention to developing character maturity in children and developing leadership skills in them, their exchange will be a source of comfort in this world and will be a source of forgiveness for parents in the hereafter.
In the Holy Quran, along with other evils of the society, the killing of children is prohibited in these words:
Surah Al-Israa verse 31:
And do not kill your children with the blood of the poor. We provide sustenance to them and killing you is indeed a great sin.
A Companion asked the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) , may God bless him and grant him peace, "O Messenger of God, what is the greatest sin?" Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said. "Shirk" the Sahabi then inquired "after that". Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said "Disobedience to parents" Sahabi then inquired the third way. "After that" the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said. You kill your children for fear that they will eat your food.
According to Islamic teachings, parents have several rights for their children. For example:
(1) Right to life.
(2) Provision of basic needs, ie right to food, drink, shelter and treatment.
(3) The right to education and training.
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