Faith in the messengers :
Therefore, in the chain of beliefs of Islam, Prophethood ranks after monotheism. The literal meaning of Rasool is one who is sent with a message. In the term of religion, a messenger is a person whom Allah Almighty has chosen to convey His message to mankind. Messenger is also called Prophet. Which means the informer. We also call Rasool a Prophet, that is, one who brings a message.
Even before receiving the Prophethood, the life of the Messenger is the best life in his nation. :
In Quraan Majeed:
Surah Yunus verse 16:
I have lived enough among you before.
Although there is no set age for Prophethood, but most of the Prophets have received Prophethood through revelation at a mature age. Revelation means secretly putting something in the heart, indicating or conveying a message through an angel. In the term of religion, it means the message of Allah Ta'ala. Which He revealed to one of His messengers through an angel. Or put it directly into his heart or made him hear it from behind a screen. In the Quran, the word revelation is used in these three meanings.
In Quraan Majeed :
Surah Shura verse 51:
And it is not the status of a human being that Allah should talk to him face to face. He either speaks through revelation or from behind a veil, or He sends a messenger and Allah reveals what He wills by His command.
Allah Almighty sent messengers to different nations of the world.
In Quraan Majeed :
Surah An-Nahl verse 36:
And We sent messengers to every nation.
This world of Allah is very wide. Therefore, what is the correct number of all the Messengers of Allah? Some people have stated this number as less than one hundred and twenty four thousand. It may be more or less. Among them, the names of only a few prophets have been mentioned in the Holy Quran, whose names were known to the Arabs.The names of many prophets are not in the Holy Quran.
In Quraan Majeed :
Some of these messengers we have explained to you and others we have not explained to you.
Therefore, every nation should respect the pre-Islamic elites. It is possible that one of them was a prophet and later people forgot his teachings. The chain of Prophets ended with Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) and now, until the Day of Judgment, only Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is followed by all mankind. It is obligatory, but it is necessary to believe in the prophecies of all past prophets from the point of view of religion. It is not permissible to make any difference between them.
In Quraan Majeed :
We do not discriminate between anyone in believing in His messengers.
All these Messengers of Allah were good, pure and truthful. All have taught monotheism and we have faith in the prophethood of all. Of course, people have changed their teachings, but their correct teaching has been that which has been explained by the Holy Quran.
Requirement of Messenger:
Allah Ta'ala sent messengers from among humans to guide humans.
Allah has said:
Surah Al-Nahl Verses 43, 44:
Whenever We sent messengers before you, we sent only men. To whom we used to reveal our messages. If you people do not know, then ask the Ahl-e-Zikr. We had also sent the previous Messengers with bright signs and books. And now this dhikr has been revealed to you. So that you explain to the people the interpretation of this teaching, which has been revealed for them.
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