Rights of Neighbors in Islam:
Man has to interact with his neighbors in daily life. In times of pain or illness, the neighbor is the first person to whom help is readily available. While loved ones and relatives arrive very late after receiving the information. There is a daily meeting with the neighbor even at the time of prayer in the mosque.Even our family cannot live without being affected by the morals and character of the neighbor and his family members and if the neighbor is bad, it makes a person worried. Islam has given great emphasis on the rights of neighbors and Allah Ta'ala has described three types of neighbors separately in the Holy Qur'an and has commanded them to treat them well.
Surah Al-Nisa verse 36:
(1) A neighbor who is also relative.
(2) The neighbor who is not of the same religion or relatives.
(3) Temporary neighbors such as co-workers, class mates, travel companions or people working or doing business in the same place.
The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) has emphasized a lot on good behavior towards neighbors. Some of the sayings are:
(1) A person is not a believer who eats his fill without caring about the hunger of his neighbor.
(2) The best of you is the one who is kind to his neighbor.
(3) If the neighbor needs help, help the neighbor, if the neighbor asks for a loan, lend it. If the neighbor becomes needy, help him financially, if the neighbor falls ill, get treatment. If the neighbor dies, go to the graveyard with the funeral. And take care of her children. If the neighbor gets an honor, congratulate him. If the neighbor is in trouble, sympathize with him. Without permission, do not build the wall of your house so high that it blocks the light and air for the neighbor. If you bring any fruit or gift, send it to the neighbor as well.
(4) Sahaba karam says that the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) emphasized the rights of the neighbors so strongly that we started to think that perhaps the neighbors' share would also be kept in the inheritance.
(5) Once a woman was mentioned in the gathering of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) that she was a great worshiper and pious. She fasts during the day. And at night she performs tahajjud. But it annoys the neighbors. Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said, "That woman is a woman of Hell.And it was said about another woman that she only performs duties. But she cares about the rights of her neighbors. Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said, "That woman is a paradise."
(6) Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) swore three times and said that he is not a perfect believer whose mischief and torture do not keep his neighbors at peace.
Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam:
Allah has made it clear in the Holy Quran that infidels and polytheists can never be friends of Muslims. But despite this, it has been instructed to treat non-Muslims with kindness. It is only characteristic of Islam that it grants non-Muslims the same civil rights as Muslims and exhorts Muslims to treat them kindly.
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala said:
Surah Al-Maida verse 8:
Translation: And never abandon justice because of the enmity of a nation. do justice this is closer to piety.
Islam wants its followers to treat non-Muslims as a doctor treats a patient. By this kind behavior, Muslims have always won the hearts of non-Muslim nations.
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